
5 Key Motivators And Inspiration For Chasing Your Dreams

Pursue your dreams
If you failed last month, this month is a new one. You can start afresh and pursue your dreams

If you were to find yourself brainstorming about what motivation you might need to chase your dreams in life, it shouldn’t take too long before your list of incentives to go about meeting your goals grows lengthy. Once you’ve established what achievements and passions matter most to you, it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out what inspiration will lead to you realizing your desires.

Depending on the circumstances, feeling a lack of motivation, or just simply not wanting to do something may very well be related to your overall physical or mental health. In other instances, it may just simply involve doing something that perhaps your mind and body are just not ready to do.

Follow any of these 5 simple steps for motivating and inspiring yourself the next time you are having struggles to get going.

1. No Regrets

We’ve all heard the saying “you’ll never know if you don’t try”, and never has a person who has regretted anything been pleased with themselves in that regard. Paying heed to that adage will almost always result in a person having fewer regrets as they near the end of life. Feeling full of regret is one of the most torturous emotions that make up the feelings of the human experience, and making the necessary moves to succeed in your passions in life will be something that you will undoubtedly be thankful to yourself for having done.

Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts. —– Winston S. Churchill

2. Confront The Fear Of Failing

The fear of the un-known, or otherwise not knowing the end result of any given situation, is almost always worse than what the source of the actual fear is in the first place. If you pursue a goal and fail in achieving it, almost always will you have been not only happier that you at least put in the effort and gave it a shot, but you may also find yourself to be relieved and perhaps even pleasantly surprised to find out that making a failed attempt at your given enterprise was not nearly as disappointing and/or detrimental as you had always imagined it to be.

3. Making Your Mark

Every person, no matter their individual circumstances, has at least one thing that they just happen to possess more talent in than most others. Everyone has something that their genetic abilities have predisposed them toward and it is by exploring and utilizing those abilities that one can make their personal contribution to the world in some way.

If you made a mistake in your last attempt, it simply means you’re trying. Don’t give up. Change your approach and keep on.

4. Reduce Negativity Whilst Promoting Positivity

It’s a lot more difficult to become morose and be the person who “sweats the small stuff” if you are too busy being focused on what is important to you specifically. You’ll find that when you are paying more attention to what matters to you the most, you inevitably end up having far less patience for all of the petty and banal vapidities in life that are unnecessary and only serve to weigh you down, and this in turn will most certainly result in living a happier and more productive life.

5. Feeling More Alive Versus Merely Existing

Building a potentially damaging sense of growing ennui and boredom, day in and day out, by performing one necessary or tedious task after another that provides you with little joy and little, if any, satisfaction, can make the accumulation of your days feel as if you’ve merely been existing, as opposed to really living.

If you are spending enough time on furthering achievements that represent things that matter to you, you will feel more purposeful and less so as if you’re just “going through the motions”.

Every human being wants good reason to cherish their time on this planet, and whether good or evil in nature, we all share the universal need to feel as if our time on this earth has not been wasted, miserable, in vain, or perhaps even worse, expendable or pointless.

Accomplishing something other than meeting our daily needs for survival is quintessential to happiness.

What do you think?

Written by Michael Allsworth

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