
5 Steps To Inspiring And Motivating Yourself For Anything

Sometimes it seems like working up to something is actually more difficult than actually completing the task. Have you ever been in a situation like that before? There comes a time, however, when something can be put off no longer. For those times, consider these steps for self-motivation and inspiring yourself to get the task accomplished.

1. Identify An Incentive

The first step to motivation (after identifying something to be motivated to do) is to identify a reward. In Plato’s Republic the ancient Greek philosopher writes that some things are good in and of themselves, and don’t require a reward, or even completion to be worthwhile. Examples of this might include the pursuit of beauty or knowledge.

In other cases, we may not see the good in the task itself. In this case, the task may require some sort of reward to motivate us. Some things have their own rewards, like a paycheck.
If a task doesn’t come with its own rewards, you can always reward yourself upon its completion by buying yourself a treat or doing an activity that you don’t usually make time for.

2. Identify External Motivators

A contributor to the business networking site LinkedIn wrote in 2017 that sometimes we aren’t motivated by tasks, we are motivated by things or ideas and we can keep reminders of these things or ideas in the workspace to help keep our eyes on the ball.

Photographs of your family, or of a role model or inspiration might be handy reminders of why you are bothering to do whatever your task is. Sometimes people who are trying to lose weight will even keep photos of people who exemplify their own weight loss goals.


Step by step way of motivating yourself for anything. Start with Step 1

3. Identify External Demotivators

An article on self-motivation posted on reminds us that, just like motivation, demotivation can be triggered by exposure to certain ideas. Keep a diary, or just make little notes on your calendar to note when you feel motivated or de-motivated and you may recognize certain things that influence your mood.

Recognizing these trends can help you to surround yourself with the things or people that keep you motivated and avoid the things or people that de-motivate you.
If you notice that you never seem to be motivated, it may be time to consider a career change, look for other things in your life that could be bringing you down, or talk to your doctor about managing stress or even depression.

4. Stay Healthy

Related to this concept is one of the steps listed by Human Resources expert Ian McKenzie who wrote in 2012 that staying healthy is an important step towards motivation.

Our motivation is partly controlled by our psychology, but it is also controlled by our biology. Our sleeping and eating patterns can often be the underlying reason that we don’t feel up to certain tasks.

Giving your diet and daily routine another thought can be a good step toward achieving your goals.
Not all of your body chemicals can be set right by diet and exercise so if you think that your body is working against your motivation and you can’t fix it yourself, consider talking to a doctor about managing stress or depression.

Do not mind anything that anyone tells you about anyone else

5. Track Progress

Keeping a diary, log, or annotated calendar is only good for keeping track of when you’re motivated. Recording throughout your project can also help you to keep track of how close you are to achieving your goal or completing your task.

Some tasks, especially those that most of us have trouble finding the motivation to do, don’t have a set conclusion. In cases like these it can be beneficial to set your own milestones. These can be time-bound things like anniversaries or counting back from retirement or other achievements, or they can be task-bound, like finishing small projects – even if they come up regularly.

What do you think?

Written by Michael Allsworth

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